Admissions Policy
The admission policy of Shalom Montessori School is based on the educational philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori. We strive to serve a broad range of
socioeconomic, religious, cultural, racial and ability groups. Our Program is not
designed for children that have specific difficulties i. e. learning exceptionalities,
medical or emotional needs, psychological issues nor are our teachers trained in
these areas. For this reason, we are not always able to meet the needs of every
A. Toddler Program - Ages 18 months - 3.5 years
1. Children must be 18 months old on the first day of attendance.
2. Children do not have to be toilet trained.
3. Children should be able to separate from their parents within a reasonable
amount of time as determined by the teacher depending on the needs of each individual child.
B. Preschool/Kindergarten Program - Ages 3 - 6
1. Children must be 3 years old on the first day of attendance.
2. Children must be toilet trained and be able to use bathroom independently.
3. If a child has had previous school experience, copies of transcripts and/or a complete student recommendation form will be required.
4. Candidates who are age 4 or older will be asked to spend a morning in the classroom.
5. Children who turn 5 by September 1st will be considered for the Kindergarten program.
A. All new parents meet with either one or both Directors.
C. Education of all children will be done within the parameters of the Montessori philosophy and its implementation in the classroom. This implementation implies a well-rounded multi-sensory approach to education and values students that display characteristics needed for success and happiness.

...the teacher's task is to nourish and assist, to watch, encourage, guide, induce, rather than to interfere, prescribe, or restrict.
Maria Montessori
A. Children with mild physical, mental or educational exceptionalities are considered for admission when special care or attention is not required. Reasonable accommodations will be made provided that no changes to the program are required and that the child does not pose a risk to himself or others. Admission of children with special needs will be for a specific trial period not to exceed 90 days from the first day of entry into the classroom. Assessment prior to admission and consequent periodic assessment may also be required during the school year and prior to re-registration. An educational assessment will determine:
1. The need of a “shadow” at school. Parents agree to assume financial responsibility for the shadow.
2. Whether continuation through the current academic year is in the best interest of the child and his/her environment.
A. Request information either by phone or via email.
B. An information packet containing our mission, brochure, program information, tuition schedule and an application form will be forwarded electronically, or at the time of initial visit.
C. A tour by prospective parents is required. Tours are scheduled according to availability. Every effort is made to schedule tours for the first convenient date. Prior to the tour, a meeting with a Director is scheduled to answer any questions and explain the program.
D. At the end of the tour, the registration process can begin, and at that time parents or guardians may submit a prospective student’s application form. If the child requires a classroom visit, it may be scheduled at that time.
E. A non-refundable application fee is due upon submission of the application. Submission of health forms will be required upon acceptance.
Enrollment of students is made on a first come, first served basis given the following guidelines:
A. Returning students are given first priority until February 1st of the preceding school year.
B. Siblings and former Shalom Montessori School families are given priority.
C. The number of children who can be accommodated depends on Montessori guidelines and state regulations. When space is unavailable at the time of application, children may be placed on the waiting list at the parents’ request and after submission of the application form. As soon as a space becomes available, the Registrar will contact the parent with regard to a start date.
D. The annual registration fee, tuition deposit and book & supply fee (if applicable) are due along with the appropriate forms at the time of registration. The registration fee and tuition deposit ensure a child’s enrollment in the appropriate program.
E. The registration and deposit fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Upon registration, a commitment for the entire school year is required.
F. Specific policies contained within the financial agreement are binding.
A. Generally, children will remain in the same classroom and with their classroom teacher until they are ready for placement in the next level appropriate to their educational, emotional and social needs, unless Shalom Montessori School feels a change is in the best interest of the child.
B. Shalom Montessori School reserves the right to place children in order to maintain balanced classes with respect to class size, age, gender and individual needs of students.
A. In keeping with our philosophy of serving the best interest of children, we evaluate prospective students by observation and interviews and before accepting for admission, reserve the right to evaluate children on academic readiness and aptitude, social maturity and behavior according to age.
B. Our Montessori philosophy is to serve students whose needs we can meet. In some cases, it can take a newly enrolled student up to four-six weeks to adjust and operate as a successful member of the school community. If the student is not meeting his/her academic level and still can not functioning independently in the class environment after the initial transition period, then the following will be required:
1. Parents/Guardians agree to assessment to determine student’s needs.
2. If staying on task is at issue, the student may require a “shadow.” Parents agree to assume the financial responsibilities of a shadow.
3. A trial period not to exceed 90 days from the first day of entry into the classroom will be implemented.
4. If none of the above procedures work, the school administration, teachers and/or parents may conclude that our Montessori environment is not beneficial to the child.